Where’s the option to save the config file? Please note that 99% of times you shouldn’t use the same config on GCam from different modders, especially if it’s from a different base (eg: a config from GCam 7 won’t work well on GCam 8). For example, OP8Pro_ArnovaGCam8_Colours.xml would be a config for the OnePlus 8 Pro + GCam 8 from Arnova and it’s focused on nice colours. This makes it easier for you (or someone else) to know what’s that config for. I recommend that you use short and descriptive names. xml config file inside its configs folder and you can access it with any file browser. To save your settings, use the option available in the GCam settings menu. Select the config (.xml file) and “ restore” (sometimes you have to do it twice).Double click the dark area around the shutter button.⚠️ Android 11 and above: You may have to allow GCam to “allow management of all files” inside the app permissions → files and media.Create the folder for the GCam version you’re using.The config file isn’t in the configs folder:.(Android 11 and above) Access to All Files required:.

Where’s the option to save the config file?.