Enhancing your Generals experienceĬ&C Generals Mod is an excellent patch that lets you experience Generals or Zero Hour in a modern way. You can easily transfer or make your own cameos with C&C Generals Mod by following the developer’s instructions. Making and adding cameosĬameos are small sprites or files that include data from other Command & Conquer games so you can include their units in Generals or Zero Hour. However, the arguments will on work on some systems, such as those that have DX8, WW3D2 or W3X versions installed. While you can’t add new arguments, C&C Generals Mod lets you change the values for new effects to take place. In some instances, you can adjust the arguments for what you want the mapper or editor to do.

When it comes to colours, you’ll be able to multiply the base hues or settings in stacks for more impressive effects. There’s also an Alpha blend mode that lets you play with greyscale tones and other options.

For instance, you can change the brightness, colours, lighting, and more.